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The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Take that step towards healing today by seeking therapy.

Lao Tzu

Our Program

Right Mind Recovery (RMR) is an approved outpatient services provider for the Colorado Behavioral Health Administration and the Colorado Judicial Branch. We are leaders in the online tele-therapy movement that provide substance use disorder treatment to anyone wanting freedom from destructive thought patterns and addictive behaviors.

RMR currently offers individualized addiction counseling, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Mindful Recovery Groups, and Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT).

Our Programs for Court-Mandated Therapy and Mental Health Treatment

Court-Mandated Therapy

Individual Therapy

Mindful Recovery Groups

Is it time to move forward?

Every experience in life, negative or positive, makes us more knowledgeable and wiser—able to change our minds and change our lives.