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A Change of Mind Can Change Your World

Telehealth Counseling Serving Central Colorado

RMR offers Addiction and Recovery Counseling and Group Therapy Classes.

Discover Your Right Mind

Stop living in the Control of addictions, legal consequences, harmful thoughts, emotions, and beliefs.

Freedom is Possible! Take the first step and get Right-Minded toward a healthy and happy life filled with meaning a purpose.

Our Programs for Mental Health Treatment

Individual Therapy

All individual therapy is one-on-one between counselor and client and all sessions are conducted online via Zoom. Sessions are completely confidential, and the most advanced security and encryption is used via the Zoom online platform.

Mindful Recovery Group

The Mindful Recovery Group helps clients find the way out of negative thinking patterns and behaviors through mindfulness techniques, resources, and group support.

Right Mind Recovery Addiction Counseling

Kirsten Trygg is the owner and Primary Therapist of Right Mind

Kirsten is a Certified Addiction Specialist-CAS, Certified Trauma Specialist-CTPII, Master Mindfulness Practioner-MMP, and a International Masters-Level Addiction Coach.

All therapy is conducted online via Zoom and based in Eagle County, Colorado.

What is Right Mind Recovery?

Right Mind Recovery offers private, online therapy and support groups for people ready for healing and recovery from mental health problems and addictions by healing the mind, body, and spirit.

We help clients find an authentic sense of self, who they are and truly want to be.

We are addiction treatment counseling
We are group support and therapy

We are proud of our affiliations with these organizations:

Thank you for making this experience positive instead of a negative event in my life. You are so honest, relatable, and a wealth of information. I learned a lot!

Therapy Client

I am proud to say that I have a positive outlook, sober living environment and network to go to, and I can thank Right Mind Recovery for helping me attain this.

Therapy Client

Thank you so much. You have helped me in more ways that I thought I ever needed, and I'll forever be grateful for that!

Group Therapy Client

I hope you know what a service you are doing for this community and those of us with addiction. I look forward to your class every week!

Group Therapy Client

Is it time to move forward?

Every experience in life, negative or positive, makes us more knowledgeable and wiser—able to change our minds and change our lives.